Friday, February 12, 2010

Dari Egi Untuk Egi cuih

You're always there when I don't really need you, but never there when I need you the most.
I don't quit on you, i'm just trying to find a reason to stay. and why there is no reason at all??
kenapa klo ada hal seneng sama sedih dateng barengan, kok yg sedih tetep menang sih??
I took off the diamond when I was busy collecting stones, is that true??
kata mami gak bole benci sama org.. cara biar gak benci sama orang itu "inget waktu dulu baek2nya dia"
why people never serious about what they said? never keep what they promised?" but it doesn't mean we should be angry.. =)
love is about you not me, love is about give not ask, love is about happy never be sorrow
What is d differnt between FIRST and LAST if u can still named it??
No words to tell you, how much u mean to me..
After go out from my heart, do u thinking of go out of my life?
To be honest with u, I don't have the words to make u feel better..
Kata Pastor:
orang yang paling berpotensi menyakiti kita adalah orang yang paling dekat dengan kita..
You never find a perfect in me, coz what makes me human is my imperfection
u is somebody i want to be around when i feel like being by myself
if God created u 2, I want.... Unfortunately u only 1, so...  
katamu kau akan slalu ada? menjaga memeluk diriku dengan cintamu...
"Everything you have today may be someone else's tomorrow.." =/
there are no rewinds in life
people walk 'in n out' in my life. ck! sungguh mengesalkan. kirain wc umum apa!
don't let anyone hurt you anymore, bodo! belajar dari pengalaman donk! ngomongnya aja gak mau terlalu baek lagi. tp suka bodo mau dijajah gk jelas. wkwkwk. kurang pahit ya obat nya?? ckckck
saya mudah disayang dan mudah dibuang orang.. kaciannya saya
You can leave someone, when you know your heart isn't there. And you can love others when your heart has returned.